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Cougar Mountain @ Pine Lake
Pacific Cascade @ Cougar Mountain
The agenda and meeting details will be posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Please note the agenda and materials may be modified up to 24 hours prior to the meeting; after that time, any agenda modifications will be addressed at the meeting.
ISD Middle School Finals @ Lake Sammamish State Park (hosted by TBD)
Happening Now at CMMS
News Panel
Mr. K-D's 2nd and 3rd period students who won the PE football unit Superbowl after two weeks of practice and games.
Mr. K-D's 7th grade health students tracing themselves for their Alcohol Body map project.
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By the Numbers
Students enrolled in the 2022-23 school year.
Classroom teachers in the 2021-22 school year.
Of our teachers have a master's degree or higher.
Of our students attend regularly.
School Highlights & Programs
Our students will be prepared for and eager to accept the academic, occupational, personal and practical challenges of life in a dynamic global environment.