CMMS Updated School Year Calendar Dates
Here are some important dates for this school year!
Thursday January 16th: Girls Basketball & Wrestling Home vs MMS, NO After School Clubs or Activity Buses
Thursday January 16th: CMMS Choir at IHS Choir Bash After School
Saturday January 18th: Wrestling Finals at PCMS
Monday January 20th: MLK Jr Day - No school for students and staff
Thursday January 23rd: All Math 1- Math 3 Students - Math Diagnostic Testing
Friday January 25th: ELA Diagnostic Testing (i-Ready)
Monday January 27th: Teacher Workday - No school for students
Wednesday January 29th: Mid Trimester 2
Thursday January 30th: Music Open House Try It Night 6:30pm
Reminder: School Make-Up Days
As a result of the bomb cyclone windstorm, our schools were closed for three days on November 20, 21 and 22. Below is the district plan to make up these school days:
- March 14, our previously designated weather make-up day, is now a full school day for all students.
- June 16 and 17 are full school days for all students.
- June 18 is a full school day for all students on a regular Wednesday schedule.
- June 19 is Juneteenth, a federal holiday, and all schools are closed.
- Friday, June 20, is a half day for middle and high schools and a full day for elementary schools.
- June 23 is a half-day for all schools and the last day of school for the 2024-25 school year. Note: If we have additional school cancellations due to inclement weather, days will be added to the end of the adjusted school year calendar beginning with June 24.
- Upcoming Event